Please note that these are provided for guidance. They are not screening or diagnostic tools. If you suspect that you might be autistic ro be neurodivergnet you will need to visit your GP if you would like to pursue an official diagnosis (see Getting a diagnosis below)
Interoception Sensory Questionnaire (ISQ) (pdf)
DownloadGQ-ASC-Modified-for-adult-females-LATEST-calibri-1 (pdf)
DownloadSamantha Craft Unofficial List of Questions (2012) (docx)
DownloadAttwood's Modified Questionnaire for Autism (pdf)
DownloadAQ10-NHS screening-form (docx)
DownloadEmbrace Autism (docx)
DownloadChristine Lion's Autistic Traits (docx)
DownloadRBQ_3_SELF_v1.3 (pdf)
DownloadGlasgow_SensoryQuestionnaire (pdf)
DownloadIES-R (pdf)
DownloadCAT-Q (pdf)
DownloadADHD Forms (pdf)
DownloadI have just finished reading this. This is an amazing book that begins to plug the huge gap in research, information and understanding of this intersectionality.
Kala Allen Omeiza has interviewed Black autistic people from around the world, men, women and children, speaking and non-speaking, to give a voice to a multiply marginalized community.
This book helps all of us to appreciate and understand some of the cultural differences in approaches to autism. It shows how Black autistic people deal with the adversity and discrimination that they face daily. Moreover, it narrates the rise of a community and support network that is sorely needed.
All of us, autistic and non-autistic alike, need to hear these stories.
Autistic and Black: Our Experiences of Growth, Progress and Empowerment
by Kala Allen Omeiza
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Also available on Audible
A superb updated version of Sarah Hendrickx' book. Hendrickx' herself is autistic, having received a late diagnosis.
The book covers a range of areas from diagnosis to co-occurring conditions, from relationships, parenthood and eating disorders, to menopause. It includes the words and lived experiences of real autistic women and girls.
It is backed up with academic research, but speaks to the reader in accessible language. A book for those who think they may be autistic, those who are diagnosed and self-diagnosed and for parents, careers, friends and colleagues.
A must-have handbook.
Women and Girls on the Autism Spectrum (Second Edition): Understanding Life Experiences from Early Childhood to Old Age by Sarah Hendrickx
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A fantastic book to help parents and educators of children learn about different communication styles and languages.
Belle Berroyer is an autistic educator with an autistic son and shares her experience and advice.
Learning the Language of Autism by Belle Berroyer
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Book resources (pdf)
DownloadIntersectionality (pdf)
DownloadSome key words (pdf)
DownloadAutistic people are more likely to identify with a different gender or sexual orientation. We may struggle to identify and express our emotions, have sensory issues or co-occurring physical and mental health conditions. All of these can impact upon our intimate relationships.
SAAIL Is a great website, aimed at supporting autistic people and providers with adult intimate relationships.
There are online toolkits for autistic people and providers, covering a range of areas from alexithymia and hypermobility to consent, communication, and managing rejection.
This is a site for both autistic people and providers. SAAIL is a research project that is gathering qualitative data about autistic adults' intimate relationship needs. It also engages with health and social care stakeholders to create changes to support autistic adults' intimate relationship needs.